If you'd like to discuss the value of these assessments or one of your own, contact me.
MBTI® – Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator
Understanding ourselves is key to developing healthy and effective relationships. Our personal preferences influence many things, including how we seek and utilize information, communicate with others, deal with conflict, manage stress, make decisions, organize ourselves and lead others.
The MBTI® assessment is one of the most popular and respected personality type tools in the world. It’s simple and powerful, and helps provide a common language and framework for understanding our strengths and appreciating and leveraging our differences. 89 of Fortune 100 companies use the MBTI® assessment to maximize individual and team effectiveness from entry to executive levels. Researched for over 50 years and used by millions each year, the MBTI® assessment is proven to provide effective results that positively impact our growth and development.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence refers to our ability to recognize and manage our own emotions as well as those of the people around us. It’s become recognized as a highly important factor for success, influencing productivity, efficiency, effective leadership, team collaboration and change management.
Whether we know it or not, our emotions impact our decisions. It happens naturally because of the way our brains work. Our experiences enter our body through the spinal cord and must travel through our limbic system (where emotions are generated) before they get to the part of our brain involved in rational thought. When we become more aware of our own emotional intelligence, we’re able to further develop our emotional and social skills so we can better express ourselves, develop and maintain relationships, and cope with challenges. An EQ-i 360 is also a helpful tool for personal development as it provides insight about how we’re perceived, giving us valuable information to work with as we look to close the gap between our intention and impact.
TKI® – Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
It’s not possible for people to agree on everything, all the time. Actually, it wouldn’t be healthy or productive. We need to be able to express and discuss our ideas and opinions in a respectful way. The TKI® tool helps us understand our personal preference for approaching conflict in different scenarios, and provides detailed information on how to use each of the five conflict handling styles based what’s appropriate for the situation we’re dealing with.
The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®) tool is the world’s best-selling tool for helping people to understand how different conflict-handling styles affect interpersonal and group dynamics. It can help improve productivity and performance, reduce stress, enhance leadership effectiveness and positively impact morale.
Our complex and changing environment is creating more stress than we are often prepared to deal with. A recent study found companies spend $300 billion annually for health care and missed workdays as a result of workplace stress. People report they feel less energetic, more irritable and get less sleep due to increased demands at work. The impacts of this are far reaching — from physical and psychological symptoms to having more accidents on the job, among other things.
Stress is a part of our life and comes in many forms. There are times it's a positive catalyst for creativity and growth. Other times, it can undermine our health and ability to function. The StressMap® and ARSENAL™ assessments help you explore your sources of stress and how you respond to them. They also include tips and strategies for positive coping mechanisms. The better equipped we are individually and organizationally to understand and manage stress, the healthier and more productive we will be.