My Vision
Healthy workplaces, filled with emotionally intelligent, coach-like leaders dedicated to bringing more humanness into the workplace
Cultures that understand people will give their all when they are nurtured, respected, and supported
My Approach
My work is centered on helping leaders move toward what they need to be the leaders they know they can be
My clients are heard, understood, challenged, championed, and ultimately changed as a result of working with me
I deeply care about people and how they’re treated. I care about the opportunities they have for meaningful growth, contribution and fulfillment. I’m fortunate to have discovered coaching and facilitating as my path to these things many years ago. I continue to live my life's passion and am incredibly grateful for the trusted role my clients allow me to have in their lives.
I consider my role in your life to be so much more than a leadership coach. I'm a listener, an accountability and thought partner, a mirror, and a strategist. Looking inward requires self-reflection, hard work and a commitment to being open and learning everything we can about ourselves.
The good news is, you don’t have to do it alone and the reward is worth the effort.
We'll create awareness and agreement about what you’re prepared to embrace and work on
We'll identify and align on concrete and embodied ways to move forward
From an emboldened place, we’ll develop and implement strategies to enact new behaviours that set you up to achieve the change and success you seek
My style is described as warm, encouraging, challenging and supportive. I also have a good sense of humour. Together, we’ll get some serious work done and have a little fun along the way.

My background is in coaching, leadership development, communications, corporate social responsibility and change management. I’ve been a member of several senior leadership teams and have led direct reports.
I started The Optimal You in 2004 based on a strong desire to help people live up to their full potential. I've been privileged to do this at all levels, from Executive to Front Line.
I embrace a balanced and healthy lifestyle, taking responsibility to build a strong foundation on which to live "The Optimal You" within myself.
I treasure my time with family and friends, and can often be found nurturing my love of music and nature. I'm also a lifelong volunteer.
I'm a part-time musician and find fascinating parallels between my music and my coaching practice. If I've piqued your interest and you're a music fan, find me at diannequinton.com.